About Me


It all started with my passion for human behaviors and my desire to create magical experiences between humans and machines. 

College taught me the basics of system architecture and visual UI, but IDEO installed in me the passion to make the world a better place through design.

In the last 5 years, I developed an eye for the big picture, but can still nerd over details. I got my hand dirty testing hypothesis and building from day one. I learned the delicate art of storytelling and the importance of investing in the success of others.

About Me

Hi. I’m an Italian UI/UX designer with a passion for beauty and complexity.

My background is in visual UI design, but I do my best on projects with a strong strategic component. I can be a detail oriented person when needed, but by nature I prefer to look at the big picture.

I like to get my hands dirty early in the design process and prototype as soon as possible to better test my hypothesis on customers or colleagues. I have great understanding of UI architecture and good visual and branding skills, that help me shape each project as a new, unique story.

Currently, I'm having an impact in the world designing awesome stuff alongside talented people at Google HQ, fostering kittens for the Berkeley Humane Society and volunteering as a Feline Friend. Previous to that I worked at IDEO San Francisco on challenges that range from designing a new socially conscious investment platform to increasing adherence to medications for narcolepsy patients.    

I have a lovely baby girl, Robin, and four pets keeping me busy when I'm not at the office: three cats (Honey Bunny, Bobby and Bailey B'Ellana) and Fernando the dog (currently a doggler)...oh, and I also have a husband.